Motorcycle Trauma

Motorcycle Trauma


Motorcycle Accident Trauma

Internal Injuries From Motorcycle Accident

More than half a million motorcycle accidents occurred in the state of Florida in 2016 alone. Keep in mind that motorcycle accidents are more likely to be fatal compared to automobiles or passenger vehicles. The fact that there is hardly any protection such as airbags, seatbelts, or a solid metal shell for the motorcycle rider makes it more likely for the rider to get fatally injured.

You need an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in Florida to fight for your rights if you were injured in a motorcycle accident caused by a negligent driver. A trusted Motorcycle Accident Law Firm can investigate the accident and help prove that the driver was at fault.

Signs Of Accident Trauma

Motorcycle Crash Settlement Examples

Head injuries, broken bones, fractured bones, and other physical injuries are the most talked about injuries in motorcycle accidents. Most people don’t know that trauma is also very common among survivors of these types of accidents. You may not be able to see trauma physically but signs such as having trouble sleeping, severe anxiety, mood swings, and memory issues indicate trauma.

All these signs are part of a psychological condition referred to as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. A motorcycle accident attorney can advise you if you are plagued by these symptoms.

Why Head Injuries Are Dangerous

Mechanism Of Injury Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle TraumaA collision between a motorcycle and a vehicle is severe but most of that force impacts the motorcycle and its rider. That means the rider and the motorcycle can be sent flying in any direction when a vehicle hits it. The impact can cause severe long-term or short-term injuries, especially head injuries.

Since Florida law allows riders over the age of 21 to not wear helmets if they have insurance, it’s not unusual for riders to go riding without their helmets. Severe head injuries are more likely to happen when a rider is not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.

Trauma is reported in half of the people that experience traumatic brain injuries. They may start experiencing trauma several years after the accident. The rate at which people who had a TBI experience depression is actually much higher than that of the general population.

In fact, TBI patients are more likely to experience depression within the year they experienced the accident. Out of all the former TBI patients that experience depression, half suffer from extreme anxiety.

Motorcycle Accident Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Motorcycle Traumatic Brain Injury

Matters concerning the psychological health of an individual may be a little harder to spot compared to physical injuries. Signs that you may be experiencing PTSD following your motorcycle accident include:

  • Having nightmares or flashbacks of the motorcycle accident
  • Not being able to remember the events surrounding the accident or just avoiding talking about the accident because of guilt, shame, or because it makes you depressed. This is called avoidance
  • You may experience hyperarousal, which has signs such as episodes of extreme anger, trouble falling asleep, and always being on edge.

Other signs may include difficulty concentrating and becoming withdrawn from family or friends.  So, psychological trauma is an injury that can affect your quality of life.

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